Youngtimers Ask the Expert
Trial Participation - Part 2: An expanded discussion for research participants
A conversation with Neurologist and DIAN Director Dr. Randall Bateman about Alzheimer's disease research and participation.
Dr. Randall Bateman is a leading neurologist and scientist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, who studies the hereditary and rare form of Alzheimer's disease, early onset familial Alzheimer's disease (also known as dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease). Dr. Bateman is the Charles F. and Joanne Knight Distinguished Professor of Neurology and Director of Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer's Network (DIAN) and DIAN-TU, an international research effort that coordinates clinical trials to study and deliver potential therapies to the early onset familial Alzheimer's disease community. The perfect guest to answer all our questions about inherited Alzheimer's disease, where the field currently is, and where it's going.
In this video, Dr. Bateman answers our questions about early onset familial Alzheimer's disease and the critical role this community has played in our understanding of Alzheimer's disease. These questions include: What is Alzheimer's disease? What is the difference between the more common (or late onset sporadic) form of Alzheimer's disease and rare genetic form of Alzheimer's disease? Why studying the rare genetic form of Alzheimer's disease is important? What are biomarkers and how are they important for studying of Alzheimer's disease?
For more information on Dr. Bateman's research.
For more information about DIAN.