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EOFAD 101: Genetics
An explanation of commonly used genetics terms in EOFAD
This Youngtimers Learning Center article provides a basic understanding of genetics, including a list of commonly used genetics terms in the EOFAD community, clarifying the difference between a mutation and a gene, and explaining what autosomal dominance means.

EOFAD 101: Mutations
Frequently asked questions about EOFAD mutations
This Youngtimers Learning Center article provides information about mutations that cause early onset familial Alzheimer's disease, including how many there are, what a specific mutations means, and how to learn more about your family's mutation

EOFAD 101: Early & late onset Alzheimer's disease
Understanding the differences between EOFAD and late onset Alzheimer's disease
This Youngtimers Learning Center article clarifies the differences and similarities between early onset familial Alzheimer's disease and the more common late onset form of Alzheimer's disease.
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